
Tutorials | Basic

Adding Transitions

You can add transitions to your media clips to enrich your production. CyberLink PowerDirector provides an array of transitions that can be used on or between the media clips in your production.

Click on the icon (encircled in red) to open the Transition room. Drag the desired transition between two media clips that are side by side on the timeline.

You will see the transition effect in the preview window.

Four Types of Transitions

There are four types of transitions: the postfix, prefix, cross, and overlap transitions.


Postfix Transition: you can add a postfix transition to the end of the first media clip. The transition and the first media clip overlap each other, meaning the transition only works on the first media clip. The second media clip displays after the transition ends.

Prefix Transition: you can add a prefix transition to the beginning of the second media clip. The transition and the second media lip overlap each other, meaning the transition only works on the second media clip. The transition begins after the first media clip ends.
You can add a cross transition the same way you add an overlap transition, by dragging it between two media clips. The cross transition acts like a bridge between the two media clips, by overlapping them at the same time.

Toggle between the cross and overlap transitions


1. Simply right click on the transition and then select Modify


2. Select either the Overlap or the Cross transition.

Applying Random Transitions

It can take a lot of time if you have to drag the transitions to the timeline and apply them to all of your media clips. However, CyberLink PowerDirector provides a function that lets you quickly apply transitions.


In the Transition room, click the button in the upper right corner of the library window (marked in red). You can select either Apply Random Transition to All Videos or Apply Fading Transition to All Videos.

Another way to quickly apply transitions is to filter them by
selecting a tag, and then click the button in the lower part of this image (marked in red) to apply random transition effect to all videos.
Extra Information: Display/Hide explorer view to view all the available transitions, categorized by keyword tags.

Select the type of transition you want to apply, and then PowerDirector will randomly apply one of these filtered transitions to your media clips.