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CyberLink Support Center / FAQs – Purchase and Payment / CyberLink software and app refund policy.
CyberLink software and app refund policy.

CyberLink provides a different product refund policy for the software and apps purchased or subscribed to from different channels.

[Purchased or subscribed on CyberLink website]

CyberLink offers a 30-day money back guarantee on the products (except Credits) purchased from the CyberLink online store. You can cancel your order up to 30 days from the original purchase date.

Note: If you have consumed any of the bonus credits included with an order, then the entire order cannot be refunded.

To cancel your order and request a refund:


  1. Sign in to CyberLink Member Zone.
  2. Go to My Order.
  3. Find the order that you want a refund for.
  4. Click Actions and then Request a Refund to submit your refund request.


[Purchased or subscribed on Google Android Play Store]

CyberLink Mobile app purchases can be refunded within 30 days.

To refund Android in-app purchases:

  • Within 48 hours of the purchase, you can request a refund through Google Play Store directly. Please click the link for further information.
  • After 48 hours, please send a refund request via “Send Feedback” in the app Settings and include your Google account email and order number.


[Purchased or subscribed on Apple iOS App Store or Mac App Store]

Apple doesn't authorize software and app developers to refund or cancel an order. To refund iOS or Mac software in-app purchases, please contact Apple directly as instructed on Apple's website.


[Purchased from other websites/ stores]

Please refer to the refund policy of the third-party sales channel, and contact their support team to request a refund.



You can refund an entire order of unused purchased credit within 30 days of when they were purchased. If some of the credits from an order have been used, the rest of the credits are not refundable.


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