PowerDVD 7

Freestyle UI - Choice is Freedom

You are Unique and so are Your Preferences

So why be restricted to just one layout and one way of interacting with your DVD player? PowerDVD 7 lets you choose from 5 individual UI modes according to your individual needs and lets you arrange your controls where and how you want them.

  • The choice is yours. Try each mode below for a glimpse of UI freedom.

  • Dock NEW - resizes the controls and adds them to the bottom of the viewing screen
  • Mini NEW - allows access to controls via an icon on the taskbar
  • Wheel Control NEW - space-saving design for essential disc controls
  • Full screen - expands the viewing mode to fit the entire screen
  • Player - floating panel of complete controls, now translucent, with color flavors and skins

Select Your Favorite Player Skin

PowerDVD offers a choice of skins to match your own style. You can download the latest skins free from CyberLink. Here's how :

  1. Click on Configuration.
  2. Click the User Interface tab and click the Download button.
  3. Check the available skins and click download. PowerDVD automatically starts installing..