Capture your videos and photos with PowerProducer

To capture selected scenes from your external video device, follow the directions below. Start PowerProducer immediately if you haven't already!

1. Choose "Produce Movie Disc" on the home page to get started.. Then, select the disc format and disc type on the second page. Finally, click "Next".   2. On the Content page under Capture, click "Video".
3. When the Capture page is displayed, the available video device for capturing will be displayed. Click it.   4. Press "Play" on your video device and the content will be displayed in the preview window. Click "Record" to start capturing..

DVD is the most popular storage media medium today compared with the smaller storage size and costs of the CD. Not only that, DVD discs contain much higher quality video, image resolution and enhanced audio capabilities. So, select the best software around in creating your DVD—PowerProducer!