Fixing a Washed Out Sky Using Blender in PhotoDirector Mobile
The new Blender in PhotoDirector Mobile is an amazing tool for creating artistic effects and enhancing your photos. In this tutorial, we will take advantage of the Blender tool to fix a white overcast sky and turn it into a bright sunny day.

First, capture an image or select a photo and tap the Blender icon.

Next, select the bright sky template and select the "Multiply" blend mode. You will notice some parts of the sky are overlapped with the foreground, making the ground darker in color. This can be fixed using the "Eraser" brush.

Use the "-" brush to clean overlapping areas in the foreground. You can change the brush size to clean away smaller areas such as the tip of the trees. If you mistakenly brush off part of the sky, use the "+" brush to get it back. Once you are done, tap on the Check icon in the upper right corner.

Now, back in the Blender Tool, you can fine tune intensity of the blending effect by using the slider. Adjust until you reach your preferred effect. Once you are done, tap on the Check on the upper right corner.

Back to the main menu, click on the Save icon to save and share your new photo.