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CyberLink Support Center / FAQs – Purchase and Payment / Why does my order show different VAT rates?
Why does my order show different VAT rates?

VAT rates depend on the type of article and the country of destination.

VAT rates on items that will be shipped to customers within the EU.

The VAT rate for these goods and services depends on the customers place of residence. VAT is calculated in accordance with the local VAT laws.

VAT rates on items that will be shipped to customers outside of the EU.

No European sales tax is charged for orders that are shipped to countries outside the EU. These orders are subject to the respective country-specific taxes.

Business customers residing in the EU (except Germany) who have a valid VAT number can be exempted from being charged VAT. New customers can enter their VAT number during the registration. Existing Customers can add their VAT number during the order process by clicking the "Modify" button to change their address details.

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